How to screenshot a “Quickshot” photo

Warning – I only tried this on an iPhone… It might work for other phones though. Actually, idk if this app is even available for other phones. Oh well. Good luck!

I stumbled upon this app when I was scrolling through Instagram this evening and thought it would be a really fantastic app to have if it could really edit photos so easily and I have to say that it did not disappoint. I have been impressed with all of the features that I have tried out so far and I haven’t tried half of them yet. The only disappointing thing is that the app has a pop up to keep you from taking screenshots, I mean the app is cool but I’m not willing to pay $20 a month for it if I only want to use it like once a year. lol.

Anyway, as I was trying to get around this screenshot abduction, I decided to search the internet to find the solution but couldn’t seem to find it.. so here it is y’all!

Okay. First things first, it’s kind of a bummer but I figured I’m going to be upfront about this. The photo will NOT be good quality but it will allow you to save the photo as a reminder of how cool this app is… 🙂

1. Make an awesome photo using Quickshot

2. Open the app menu on your iPhone

3. Take a screen shot of the Quickshot tab.

4. Voila! Now you have a copy of your masterpiece.


I hope this will help you out! Let me know if you have any suggestions for how to get a better screenshot in the comments! 🙂

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